Pricing Update for 2021

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Beginning February, 2021

  • Single Session: sliding scale: $75-$100

  • 4-session package: sliding scale: $280-$350
    *4 packs must be used within 90 days, though I recommend using them within 4-6 weeks 

What’s new? 

  • 50 minute sessions

  • Saturday slots

  • Easy Scheduling system (some of you have already been using this)

  • Weekly Practice Group for current students: Fridays @ 1pm-1:50pm EST

  • Bi-weekly Foundations of AT class, coming March 2021

  • Pay-what-you-can slots for BIMPOC who’ve been systematically discriminated against because of racism.


When we first went online, I was not sure of many things: Would AT sessions even work online? What tools would I need? How long would we be online?

As the new reality has become clear, the long-term as well as the benefits of teaching online have become very apparent. Working online offers opportunities for you to internalize your practice, take ownership, and embody new ideas and ways of being.

FYI, when we return in person, I plan to keep a portion of my practice online. I’ve had the wonderful opportunity to work with some of you from all across the country & globe.


The costs of teaching online have also become clear- while I no longer need to rent space, I’ve incurred many business costs, including but not limited to

  • technology

  • administrative costs

  • continuing edu

  • insurance

I also find that, in order to give you my best work, and bring my best energy to the table, I must leave space for being away from my screen. So, this winter / spring I’ll be limiting the number of students I work with per week, so that I can offer you the best of what I have to offer in this crazy changing time.

If the new fees are prohibitive for you, by all means reach out to me. I’ll see what I can do, or can recommend a colleague who works for a lower rate.

A reminder that I always leave at least one pay-what-you-can slot in my schedule for people who’ve been systematically discriminated against because of racism, as a form of reparations.

If you’re an essential worker or a person whose financial needs are not being met at this time due to COVID-19, don’t hesitate to reach out, too.

Thanks for being a part of my teaching life,

I love and cherish you, and the work that we do.

All my best,

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