Structure allows the fire to 🔥 burn
How are you tending to the space in your day, as well as the moments of activity?
When the structure is too packed, our fire doesn’t light. There’s not enough “breathing room.”
In the AT, we ask, “where can I do a little less,” and that applies in our lives, too.
Often when we do a lot, we are compensating a feeling lack, or a need to protect our soft, gewy, mushy stuff.
These holding patterns take all of this energy that you could be putting toward connecting with people, serving the world up your talents and gifts, connecting in and giving back in your biggest way.
I notice I tend to do a lot when I can’t tell that I’m enough, and I really want people to like me.
What about you?
One of the ways I see people (and myself) working “extra” is when we don’t have a sense of our deep structural support.
Some of our accessory muscles (like our jaw, hip, abdomen) try to hold us up, because we don’t feel supported from the inside.
Good on us, we’re not falling down! Our nervous systems yell “Hooray”!
But the holding from the outside muscles means that those are occupied. Finding an embodied sense of deep structural support frees them up for expression, communication, and play.
One really simple way to find structural support, is to allow the curves of your whole spine. From the way tip-top between your ears to the bottom, up your but crack đź‘€.
Allow that full length along the curves, and notice if anything else in your body can let go just a little.
Now try singing or dancing or acting. Anything more available to you?
In private lessons we get really specific- I specialize in tuning in with you to your unique system, and uncovering where you have unconscious misconceptions about your mind-body system that are leading to tension and unsupportive habits. Through mapping, images, videos, and exercises, I work with you to find and embodied sense of that deep structural support, so that your outer muscles can calm down- and be available to you for expression, communication, service, and play.
Letting your unique fire 🔥 glow ✌🏼✌🏿✌🏽
So it can warm and light others around it
with that special ✨ sparkle ✨ only you have.