I was talking with some powerful women in my life about the many ways our patterns get shaped, and it inspired me to create this graphic. Underneath physical pain is often a deep web of factors. I’ve experienced these in my own life, and witnessed them in the lives of my students:
Under pain, is often a deep web of factors. For example:
Learned Habits
Social “Posturing”
Long forgotten injury
Social Pressures to look a certain shape
Conforming your body to an aesthetic against its organic design
Internalized misconceptions of body-mechanics
Emotional Holding Patterns
Continual physical, mental, and emotional stressors
Traditional physical therapy focuses on the pain, without acknowledging or considering the underlying mind-body causes.
In reality, they are inseparable- and if the underlying perceptions aren’t unlearned or refined, it can be difficult to get out of pain.
In fact, the practice of embodiment often reveals what was previously subconscious.
As a practitioner, I consider that important to hold in my awareness at all times.
Our patterns are not individual. They’re informed and affected by the water we swim in, an oppressive society that prophets off of:
our disconnection from ourselves, our desires, and our sense of safety and belonging.
ageism, capitalism, classism, cisgenderism, heterosexism, individualism, patriarchy, racism, anti-Semitism, and sexism. To name a few.
Think about your own experience with embodiment. Is there anything you’d add to this chart?
Email me, or let me know in the comments👇🏼