This work…
This work is about your head and your heart & your guts. It’s about your legs. It’s about taking up space.
It’s about your body and how it braces- against itself and against the world. It’s about settling the body.
It’s about your habits. Unlearning the ones that no longer serve you.
It’s about your flow.
Our habits are familial. Generational. Compounded by oppression (racism, sexism, ageism, anti-semitism, etc) and the inability to find safe space to release our habits can become chronic.
We didn’t choose our habits.
But we have a lot more power than many of us realize to change our habits- from the inside out. I’m not just talking mental changes- I’m talking how the body can change our mind.
The way we move can be a choice.
Our subconscious gets held in the body. This is an indirect way to make the subconscious conscious.
There are assumptions working in your body that you don’t know you made. False assumptions- that affect how you use it, and interfere with its optimal functioning- maybe even causing injury.
This work is about cooperating with your organic system.
Why didn’t we learn that in school?
When we do, it’s like riding a wave. Everything becomes easier- often, pain goes away- and you’re no longer fighting yourself or your actions.
This work is about support- the support you can give yourself and others.
It’s about power- uncovering your innate power to self-direct and own a sense of self-agency & relaxed alertness.
This is about your voice. Your voice reflects your body’s coordination. When your body’s grounded and free, your voice will be grounded and free.
This is about your movement coordination, your emotional flow, how your thought affects your body & feelings and how your body affects your thoughts & feelings.
It’s about the trauma you hold in your flesh and sinews. Micro and Macro. And feeling enough support to move through those hurts, fierce and gentle to the other side.
And at least create space around it so it doesn’t “own” you. Or Direct you. So you can act from free will and not from habit.
This work is about you. Re-claiming the beautiful intelligence of your bodymind. Trusting yourself and discovering how to move in a way that is sustainable for your life and activities.
This work is for you.
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